
Meet Taylor.

Taylor is a Momma, Wife, Real/Whole Foods advocate, Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Therapy Practitioner. Taylor Cole Holistic Nutrition is Taylor’s 4th baby and was born out of a dire need for balanced energy and to feel her very best after having two babies back to back. Taylor is grounded in optimism and together you will find the root cause and develop a plan that will leave you nourished, energized, happy and most of all - like your best self!

Taylor is very passionate about the foundations of health, specifically balancing blood sugar and gut health. Finding the root cause of stubborn weight, hormonal imbalances, bloating, cyclical acne and headaches, mood swings and cravings makes Taylor the happiest and leaves you with solutions that go beyond a quick fix and last a lifetime.

Taylor’s favorite saying is “let’s nourish”, every time you put something in your mouth is a chance to nourish and support every cell in your body.

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How Can Nutritional Therapy Help You

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Taylor works with you to get the root cause of your symptoms by using assessments to identify underlying imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. Together you will correct any imbalances by adjusting your diet, nutrient intake, and lifestyle. It focuses on the root causes of digestive disorders, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, stress, and more by balancing the body and mind to create long-term health. The role of a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is to assist clients to re-establish health all the way down to a cellular level. Part of this is understanding the warning signs and signals our body gives us every day and connecting those signs to underlying dysfunctions. This allows you to create a plan that fulfills your bioindividual needs and a new mindset towards the way you nourish your body.


Taylor’s Passions:

Helping Women Feel Their Best Before, During and After Pregnancy

Preparing your body for pregnancy

Nutritional Support Leading Up to, During & After Pregnancy that focuses on:

-Managing Energy levels/avoiding that afternoon slump

- Addressing stubborn weight & body image (postpartum)

- Digestive & Gut Health

- Education on the importance of and maintaining balanced blood sugar

- Endocrine Health
(Sex, adrenal & thyroid hormone balance)